Monday 4 July 2011

Every Word

Today i just started to blog.
This my first time blogging.
Yesterday night, i drank two cup of nescafe but it doesn't work at all, i was fell asleep.
I was texting my sister, Lee Joanne and Jee Yan De Tomato.
After that, in the morning, I went to school as usual.
I was felt like wanna chat with her but lastly i didn't.
After school, i saw their (JiMui) near girl's toilet and i never angry you before.
There were someone backstab me and i don't wish to know and i really hope that the person are not one of my yolanda's or best friends.
I need to be more mature and thinks more positively so that the one who i love will never get any hurt and moody.
Listening Taylor Swift's Love Story, Back To December.
I will continue giving you a suprise but it's take abit longer time.
You know that my love for you, it's undefined.
I'm still waiting for a day that i dreamed it for a long time since that day :)
Listening Taylor Swift's Love Story, Back To December.

Back to myself.
I went to Gopeng, Harvest Heaven.
At there, i learned many things.
They teached us how to make a team.
We need to make a team by involved them.
We can't let them standing there and seeing us.
We need them to involved in a team and work it out together.
Make a part of us as a team.
Everythings connected and use all of members' talent.
We should concentrate on our own role.
Other than that, we also should learned to use eye contact and body language.
Lastly, we should take good care of our team members.
There's future and past around.
Don't ever see it by your eye.
See those things behind the beyond.
We should die to become new and leave the old habits and change our own lifestyle.
Love Always Remains.